
Current situation:
“The goal of the economy is the human being”. “All methods of steering of the economy are not self-centred. They gain their value, if they are centred on the ideal image of the human being they are expected to serve.” (Carl Friedrich von Trotha 1943 and high school examination topic in German, 1973)

We wish for ourselves that the sense of the economic activity and the respective value for us human beings became again more important than just looking for shareholder value in the stock markets. Modern companies are complex and there is a multitude of activities and interrelationships between projects and the respective people involved in business. We are happy to support you, to become more effective in the management of your projects and as human beings in business.

On an agency basis, as active and independent members, we support you in your best practice for your management and the representation on Boards (Shareholders’ or Advisory). If there is a need, we also represent you externally. (e.g. in associations and NPOs).

We are experienced in accounting, finance and tax issues, how do these present themselves as part of the family company.

We are networked and have broad access to government and private decision makers. We know of alternative investment products and solutions in the national and international context and understand it well how to deal with local stakeholders.

Case study 3
Capital contribution and establishment of an Associate Board of Directors for a modern project development firm with focus on Asia and Africa for water purification. The firm combines social and environmental objectives with fair profit. Fresh capital and its investors support the young Swiss entrepreneur to lead its first project in Nepal to success and in its design of further sustainable infrastructure projects. (Start-up, 28.8.2017).
Case study 4
The Bernese guilt of tailors supports since 700 years it’s more than 1’000 members as regards their social life, their old age and social costs. Further activities include management of its assets, accounting, real estate and audit with the help of external specialists.